Thursday, February 11, 2010
Kik immoral wages paid
Hamm - 5.20 euros per hour is too little! It has held the country Hamm and the payment of two Minijobberinnen by the textile discounter Kik alssittenwidrig classified.
The 6th Appeal sentenced on Wednesday to dasUnternehmen arrears to the two slightly Beschäftigtenund confirming decisions of the industrial Dortmund vomvergangenen year.
Indicated that there was "immoral subsidies before," said the presiding Judge Werner Ziemann. In addition, the contracts are illegal in several respects. A Revisionwurde in both cases is not allowed (Az: 6 Sat 1284/08, 6 Sa1372/08).
Complaints had two 47 and 62 years old women from Mülheim / Ruhr against dasTochterunternehmen of the retail group Tengelmann sued because they were only 5.20 euro per hour. The courts inDortmund and Hamm saw 8.21 euros to be appropriate.
For thieves calculating this amount, the judge drew on wages from demEinzelhandel. The 62-year-old is now expected to total knapp10.500 euro additional payment, the 47-year-old around 8900 Euro. The jüngereFrau since November is no longer with Kik.
The ältereBeschäftigte left open whether she wants to continue working at Kik: "I Dasüberlege me again," she said after the verdict.
The trade union Verdi, which had Prozessvertreten the two women, was pleased about the decision. "Hourly wages at 8.21 euros are unconscionable," said the district dieGeschäftsführerin Mülheim-Oberhausen, Henrike Greven.
DieGewerkschaft would now "hoof it through the branches and inform dieKik-workers about the verdict. After Grevens around 9000 of the total of 18,000 employees Angabensind geringfügigbeschäftigt receive wages and hours from 4.25 to 5.25 euros. INGERMANY are several similar procedures by-Kik Beschäftigtenbei labor courts pending.
Kik, based in the Westphalian Bönen (Kreis Unna) nacheigenen employs 15,000 of the approximately 18,000 employees information in Germany. ImGeschäftsjahr 2007/08 (April 30) began Kik total of over 1.4 billion euros. Currently the company operates more than 2700 Filialenin Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and derSlowakei.