Thursday, March 4, 2010
Police officers must comply with nodule-ratio!
Cologne - It is a statement that) NRW Interior Minister Ingo Wolf (FDP will not even taste. "If at the end of the month, the numbers do not match, then I'll go out with my officials and then hail it nodule."
So says the Wachleiter a Cologne police inspection. And he confirmed that motorists always suspected: "We have guidelines on how many nodules should be written. Previously, secretly led checklists - which now goes by computer. Thanks FISPOL (leadership and) information the police can analyze in Duesseldorf Ministry exactly what authority, what inspection service group, or even too little Verwarngelder writes. "
EXPRESS is present, an internal police document. It's called "benchmarks traffic." It includes for each service group in the early, late and night shift setpoint given figures on how many Verwarngelder should be written.
These are calculated from accidents per 100,000 inhabitants. The Service Group Leader (DGL) has this note is to supplement the numbers and pass them on to the operations staff.
If the police can now do that, what will be done in any business enterprises: "controlling". A cost / benefit analysis. So the question is with the police: how the officer is working effectively and efficiently? But this has its dangers.
A policeman said: "If the numbers in a service group does not agree and the officer has to blame, then it is set by the group supervisor and the indirect pressure to behave differently. Ultimately, the behavior of flows so well into the performance. "
Adds Frank Richter, head of the NRW Police Trade Union, "Repressive measures are part of the natural calamity. But the targets must not lead to inspections taking place at accident black spots will be made there, where you can cash in most easily. And it is not impossible, unfortunately. "
Also of interest
So says the Cologne police chief for the nodule-hunting
That is the system "Fispol"
So much money has been collected