Friday, March 5, 2010
Rebellion against Merkel and Westerwelle
Berlin --
Chancellor Merkel and her government is blowing fierce headwind from their own ranks in the face. It smells of rebellion.
Primarily, CSU politicians, shoot down a few days before the exam in Wildbad Kreuth full broadside direction of Berlin.
CSU party head Hans-Peter Friedrich calls by Merkel in the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" of leadership: "In the black-yellow coalition, they must set a determined line and course. You must make it clear at key points of what they want. "
One more on it put the CSU Bundestag Hans-Peter Uhl, and Norbert Geis and Landtagsabgeordnete Christa Matschl. They make themselves into "image" for a strong Vice-Chancellor of the CSU - in addition to Foreign Minister Westerwelle (FDP).
The right man for this is Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. The CSU head turned, however, strongly opposed. General Alexander Dobrindt left: "We are happy to book with no content other coalition partners."
From the CDU comes to the appearance of massive criticism of the government. Saxony-Anhalt's Minister President Wolfgang Böhmer (CDU), complained in Der Spiegel: "There have been problems that might have been able to save themselves." He cited in particular the recent tax cut package. Böhmer: "The policy must also times have the strength to say no."
The Free Democrats got off their fat. The party which had always required to prohibit the inclusion in the Basic Law in principle, of new debt, had "absolutely no problem with it now, to borrow billions to pay for tax cuts."
Dispute about the course is also available in the FDP. Several leading politicians complain that the country's top federal deficiencies in the tax policy and the government work. Hesse FDP leader Joerg-Uwe Hahn invites even personal consequences: "It would make communication easier, if we had a finance minister."
It was necessary, "two or three people to place, so again, competence is taken." He thinks of the financial expert Hermann Otto Solms, who had no share in the ministerial positions.
FDP leader and Foreign Minister Westerwelle reacted sour: "I do not accept to be flogged to death if black and yellow successes."