Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Ugh! Many landlords serve Nepp ham
Wiesbaden - After the scandal Nepp cheese on pizza, there are now around vortex Mogel ham. After finding is Hessian enjoy cycling through nearly one in three inspectors in the Hessian Restaurants offered an imitation bacon.
"Increasingly istfestzustellen that in restaurants an inferior product alsangeblicher ham is served," said the Secretary of State Mark hessischeVerbraucherschutz Weinmeister (CDU).
The inspectors examined since 2006, according to Weinmeister insgesamt528 samples for restaurateurs, manufacturers and dealers. Very häufigseien the complaints in restaurants have been. Often there is fürSchinken pizza or pasta with sauce schinkenhaltiger been used only billigesSchinkenimitat.
The rip-ham nestled consists fray starch gel in the meat pieces are.
"Who brings Mogel ham ohneausreichende marking on the market, committing at least eineOrdnungswidrigkeit. Straftatvor is a case of proven intent," said the Secretary of the radio.
Weinmeister announced a crackdown derLebensmittelkontrolleure. Those who repeatedly Ham imitation ohneKennzeichnung offering, risking the release of his Namensauf a relevant web page.
More information to Neppkäse scandal: These products contain rip-off-cheese> cheese rip-off> on pizza